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Perhaps you and your spouse are concerned about the affect Divorce would have on your children.  Perhaps you love your spouse and just want a few things readjusted or discussed.   We offer mediation services and can provide you and your spouse with an alternative to divorce and legal framework to move forward without divorcing, either through a marital agreement or reconciliation agreement.*

Signing a Contract
Signing a Contract

Marital Agreement

While a Property Settlement agreement is typically a component of a divorce where there are children or property to distribute, they can be entered into and adhered to without divorcing.  The parties are always free later to divorce and would then already have a legal framework to finalize that process. 

Reconciliation Agreement

*This type of agreement is a voluntary agreement between the parties to reconcile with some requests of the other, the terms of which may or may not be legally binding, however, the parties agree to be bound even in the absence of enforceability.  An example would be an agreement for one person to be more attentive with a particular chore. 

Family Photography
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